New ChromaNik HPLC and UHPLC application dictionary
Order the new Chromanik-Biotech Application Dictionary on USB stick or download it as pdf file.
This booklet contains over 120 application examples of how Chromanik HPLC and UHPLC columns solve separation and analysis problem and is the perfect tool to use for marketing and sales. Every example contains all the info to set up the separation, including mobile phase, flow rate, temperature and detection type. Most applications also come with chemical structural formula, making it easy for your customers to recognize molecules similar to their own.
Witness the true power of Chromanik HPLC and UHPLC columns. With a wide variety of column chemistries to choose from, including C18, C18-WP, HFC18-16, HFC18-30, RP-AQUA, CS, C30, PFP, Phenyl, CS-30, C8-30HT, C4-30, HILIC-Amide and 2-EP, even the most challenging analysis needs are likely to be solved.
This inspiring range of convincing separations will hopefully make you and other skilled chromatographers curious about the benefits that Chromanik HPLC and UHPLC columns can bring to your laboratories. In the Application Dictionary you can learn from interesting applications such as:
- LC/MS analysis of 213 pesticides within 15 minutes on a Sunshell C18 column (No. 1101B)
- High-throughput baseline separation of 8 components within less than 1 minute (No. 1033)
- Separation of 11 organic acids within 5 minutes using a fully aqueous mobile phase (No. 1059)
- Selectivity comparison of Sunshell C18, PFP and Phenyl columns using three toluidine isomers and acetonitrile or methanol as organic modifier in the mobile phase (No. 1125H)
If you cannot find a matching separation example in this Application Dictionary or have other questions about HPLC and UHPLC, you are most welcome to contact Biotech. Our aim is to guide you to the best column for every situation. The solution could be only an email or phone call away!