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How can I make my fluidic system more sustainable?

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Instrumental analysis may use resources that are limited and chemicals that have negative environmental impact. By constructing fluidic systems to deliver accurate and consistent results with low variability, we

IDEX Catalogue update 2024

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As the Global Premium Distributor for IDEX, Biotech Fluidics can present an updated IDEX catalogue with flow components, separation tools, and fluid management products. The catalogue has been thoroughly

Tubing kits for dissolution testing

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Did you know that Biotech Fluidics custom manufacture tubing kits for dissolution testing equipment and for other purposes? In pharmaceutical dissolution testing, the solution into which the medication is gradually

PEEKsil™ tubing with MarvelXACT™ fittings

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Our bioinert PEEKsil™ tubing with MarvelXACT™ PEEKsil™ connection systems utilize patented MarvelXACT™ fittings for use in the most demanding UHPLC applications. The robust PEEKsil™ tubing has smooth silica glass

Effect of tubing on peak efficiency for core-shell HPLC columns

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Selecting the appropriate tubing inner diameter (ID) when connecting a HPLC column can be crucial to maintain high peak efficiency while not achieving too high pressure. This is especially

Biotech Tubi

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Biotech TUBi - Tubing your way Tubing is an essential part of every fluidic system. With our knowledge in the field we can assist you in finding the most

PEEK-lined stainless steel tubing

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Biotech AB produly announces the new PEEK Lined Stainless Steel (PLS) Tubing from IDEX Health and Science, for biocompatible UHPLC applications. The tubing combines the strength of industry-standard 316 Stainless Steel with the chemical inertness of PEEK polymer to enable more efficient bio-separations at pressures up to 15,000 psi (1,034 bar).

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