Our sales office in USA is now Biotech Fluidics LLC
We are happy to announce that our sales office in United States changed its official name to Biotech Fluidics LLC (previously “Biotech USA LLC”).
This has been done to better reflect our business, brand identity, and our domain name www.biotechfluidics.com. You will soon see the new name on our quotes, orders, and invoices, when interacting with our sales office in USA.
In this process, Biotech Fluidics LLC has also moved in to new facilities. The address is now:
Biotech Fluidics LLC c/o Saltbox
4440 Round Lake Rd W Suite C13
Arden Hills
551 12 Minneapolis
The company registration number and other contact information to Biotech Fluidics LLC stays the same though. Picture is from the booth of Biotech Fluidics LLC at Pittcon 2024.
This name change is not affecting our head office in Sweden (which already has the official name Biotech Fluidics AB) or our sales office in Japan (BioNik Inc).
Please contact us if you have any questions about our new identity, or if you want expert guidance about how we can help you with Great Fluidic Solutions.