Top Performing Company 2019
Biotech is recognized for its award “Top Performing Company 2019”
The awarding of the “Top Performing Company 2019” to Biotech for the second year in a row has now gained attention in the local press. The municipality and the newspaper Norra Halland have noted on their websites that the company belongs to the exclusive crowd (0,7 %) of Swedish companies, which lives up to the high standards for the award. The founder of the award, which has been awarded for the last fifteen years, is Veckans Affärer, one of Sweden’s leading financial magazines and the credit information company Bisnode, specialized in producing high-quality business, credit and market information. To qualify for the award, the company must meet the requirements for growth, profit, return, efficiency, capital structure and financing for at least four years.
“We are proud of the award and we have exciting projects underway and are planning for continued expansion with more employees shortly to ensure our growth”
The company’s CEO Anders Grahn says “we are proud of the award and we have exciting projects underway and are planning for continued expansion with more employees shortly to ensure our growth.”