Top Performing Company for third consecutive year

We are proud to announce that Biotech AB, as one of just over one per thousand Swedish companies, for the third year in a row, has received the award “Top Performing Company” or in Swedish “Superforetag”.

Behind Sweden’s Superforetag is Bisnode Sweden, a leading company specialized in tailoring credit-, business- and market-information.

The companies on the list are ranked on the basis of the Swedish limited companies’ financial capital structure and financing over the past four years. The list thus includes companies that have performed better growth than other companies but which have also shown a higher profit, better return, higher efficiency and a stronger capital structure. All companies have a turnover of at least $1 million during the past year.

It is not enough to have a good development for one or two years. The super companies have performed very well under each parameter for four years. Each company and industry is assessed according to its conditions, size and operations. -” A “super performance” in one industry does not have to mean that it is in another. In this way, it is possible to identify the best companies regardless of recession or boom”, says Per Weidenman, Senior Analyst at Bisnode Sweden.

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