News & Insights2024-07-03T08:27:47+02:00

News & Insights

Why should I monitor the flow rate of my pumps?

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Can’t I rely on my high-precision pumps to deliver accurate flow rates? In most situations you certainly can, but after some time in frequent use, mechanical wear can cause

How to replace a broken vacuum pump in a degasser

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Modern inline degassers are highly robust equipment with a long lifetime, so if their internal vacuum pumps eventually fail, there is a good chance the original part is no

How can I make my fluidic system more sustainable?

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Instrumental analysis may use resources that are limited and chemicals that have negative environmental impact. By constructing fluidic systems to deliver accurate and consistent results with low variability, we

Swedish Midsummer celebrations

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Due to our Midsummer celebration, our business in Sweden is closed Friday the 21st of June. After that date, we are open as usual the whole summer. Sweden’s Midsummer

IDEX Catalogue update 2024

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As the Global Premium Distributor for IDEX, Biotech Fluidics can present an updated IDEX catalogue with flow components, separation tools, and fluid management products. The catalogue has been thoroughly

Interview about how Biotech Fluidics can be of help

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During the Analytica exhibition in Munich Germany, the team from LCGC International interviewed Dr. Fritiof Pontén, CEO of Biotech Fluidics, about what Biotech Fluidics can do to help customers

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