Biotech micro flow meter

Optimized to operate over the flow range of 100 nl/min to 80 µL/min, with an unmatched high resolution of 1 nl/min, the Micro Flow Meter is the perfect tool for continuous monitoring the consistency of UHPLC, LC/MS, high precision flow cytometry and micro- and nanoscale fluidics applications.

The Micro Flow Meter is compatible with almost any solvent and being non-invasive, it guarantees the unperturbed operation of your whole fluidic system. You can continuously monitor fluidic flows in your system and get pump performance diagnostics at the same time. Flow pulsation as well as drift in your fluidic system will be easy to find

Easy-to-use PC software enabling continuous recording, monitoring, and storage of measured flow rate data.

Any questions?

If you have any inquiries about our products and services, we’re here to help.

Phone: +46 300 56 91 80

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