Extensive stock of degasser spare parts
Biotech keeps an extensive stock of degasser spare parts to support our customers with supply of spare parts to a wide range of instruments and brands in the shortest time possible. We have available a wide variety of vacuum pumps, degassing chambers, control boards and other accessories to simplify replacement and maintenance for our customers. As an alternative to repair we can also offer suitable degassers from our comprehensive product line of DEGASi® of stand-alone degassers.
Analytical Degassing Chambers
The Mini degassing chamber is used in our degassing equipment made for the largest analytical instrument manufacturers in the world. Since quality can’t be compromised the same components are also used in our DEGASi® series of stand-alone degassers.
Preparative Degassing Chamber
The standard preparative degassing chamber was designed to be easy to prime, and is configured with a Systec® AF degassing tubular membrane to provide maximum degassing capacity with the absolute minimum internal volume (less than 3% of PTFE designs with comparable degassing capacity) and a chemically inert, metal free flow path. Degassed mobile phase is available in less than a minute!
Systec ZHCR Pump
We introduce the ZHCR® Zero Hysteresis / Constant Run stepper motor driven vacuum pump, specifically designed and developed for membrane degassing of HPLC mobile phase. Employing a micro-stepping RPM control strategy permits the pump to run continuously, cycling between low and high speeds. The high speed provides quick pull-down, while the low speed sustains a consistent vacuum level.