Fittings 101

Guide to fittings booklet

In this handbook you are about to embark on an exciting journey designed to help you grasp the fundamentals of equipment fittings and accessories for your fluidic system, as well as some basics about liquid chromatography as an analytical technique.

Whether you have a chromatography system, sensor system such as SPR (surface plasmon resonance) or any other scientific fluidic system this handbook will be a useful tool. You will learn fittings basics: how to describe a fitting, how to determine where in your system certain styles of fittings are used, the interchangeability of different types of fittings — among many other topics.

You will also learn the special terminology and skill set needed to work with hyphenated chromatography systems, such as LC-MS and even UHPLC systems and on the ride you will gain the confidence you need to know exactly what fitting you need in almost any scientific fluidic application. Again – Welcome to the World of Fittings!