Analytical degassing chambers

For capillary, analytical and semi-preparative conditions, including flow rates up to 6 mL/min, Biotech Fluidics offer the Mini degassing chamber. These are designed to be extremely easy to prime thanks to a very low internal volume (<3% compared to PTFE designs with similar degassing capacity) while providing high degassing capacity at each targeted flow rate range.

The Mini degassing chambers are constructed with single-lumen Systec™ AF tubular membrane in a variety of diameters and lengths giving internal volumes ranging from 6 µL up to 925 µL. The wetted materials in contact with liquid within these chambers include Systec™ AF, PEEK, and glass-filled PTFE or glass-filled PPS and FEP, depending on the design. Some Mini degassing chamber designs are completely metal-free and biocompatible, whereas others contain stainless-steel stents to reinforce the assembly and make it compatible with aggressive organic solvents such as hexane and other alkanes, and hexafluoro isopropanol (HFIP). Most Mini degassing chambers are equipped with 1/4-28 UNF threaded flat-bottom ports, except for the two models with lowest internal volume which instead has 10-32 coned ports.

Degassing Chamber

Mini degassing chambers are incorporated into several of the stand-alone degassers from Biotech Fluidics, including the DEGASi® Plus series, DEGASi® Integration series, DEGASi® BioCompact, and DEGASi® Prep+ (AUX version). These degassing chambers can also be built into the OEM degassers constructed and supplied by Biotech Fluidics.

SKU: 9000-1000, 9000-1004, 9000-1006, 9000-1009, 9000-1184, 9000-1189, 9000-1810, 9000-2121, 9000-2137.

Mini degassing chamber product range

SKUSwept volume
Nominal capacity
Systec™ AF ID
Bio-compatibleStented chamberMax pressure
Port design
9000-213760.0250.30YesNo1.8/2710-32 coned
9000-2121250.10.30YesNo1.8/2710-32 coned
9000-10001000.51.14YesNo5/721/4-28 flat
9000-10044803.01.14YesNo5/721/4-28 flat
9000-10066704.01.14YesNo5/721/4-28 flat
9000-10099256.01.14YesNo5/721/4-28 flat
9000-18102852.00.89YesPEEK3/431/4-28 flat
9000-11844803.01.14NoStainless steel5/721/4-28 flat
9000-11899256.01.14NoStainless steel5/721/4-28 flat

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