HPLC Columns
Biotech Fluidics distributes liquid chromatography columns for HPLC and UHPLC from Advanced Materials Technology (AMT) in USA, and from ChromaNik Technologies in Japan. The product ranges include the original HALO® Fused-Core® columns that provide increased separation efficiency without consequences of high backpressure. We also supply the SunShell® core-shell columns with advanced stationary phase bonding and endcapping technology, which combines high separation efficiency with extraordinary stationary phase stability and long column lifetime.
Below are some information about these products, but the most detailed and up to date product specifications and application examples can be found on the websites of Advanced Materials Technology, and ChromaNik Technologies, respectively.
News & insights about HPLC columns
Halo-5 HPLC Columns
Now is the time to boost the performance of your HPLC. Choose any HALO-5 HPLC column, including columns packed with the newly introduced HALO-5 HILIC and Penta-HILIC phases, and pay just 50% of the regular published price.